
Ensuring that a global sales force remains “on message” and consistent with the critical points that management wants to convey to healthcare providers about a particular brand has become increasingly difficult in today’s environment.

Sales representatives are afforded less and less time with physicians and their staff. Additionally, the expense associated with bringing regional and national sales forces together for training and product-education conferences continues to grow.

Enter ShareStream Healthcare, a secure media-management and delivery platform that provides the means to digitize, archive, store, and deliver your organization’s critical multimedia content. Media may be streamed, downloaded, or podcasted across your organization, or to the general public if deemed appropriate. ShareStream’s enterprise digital media asset-management platform acts as a state-of-the-art sales force training tool that facilitates better communication and education across your corporation, while simultaneously ensuring that your content is only viewable by and accessible to appropriate, authorized individuals.

While not replacing sales force training conferences and similar traditional training-oriented events, ShareStream’s secure media-management and delivery platform supplements non-digital training and education initiatives, resulting in an empowered sales force that is capable of delivering outstanding performance. Ultimately, adoption of ShareStream’s technology drives down training and education costs by lowering the frequency of sales force conferences and training meetings, while at the same time improving sales force retention of mission-critical content. With ShareStream Healthcare’s pharma platform, you can be sure that your sales force will take leadership in the field.

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